Technical Art . Technical Animation . Pipeline TD
2013 - 2017
Lead the technical art team and worked closely with production to ensure milestone deadlines were met
Worked closely with art . animation . programming . design teams to help integrate and streamline art content
Strong communicated with production . leads . directors
Worked closly with HR to help hire up the technical art team
Technical Art:
Supported content scaling . naming conventions . art tools validation
DCC and Cryengine technical debugging support
Helped manage character outsourcing by provided technical documentation guidelines with tools validation . provided character model feedback
Establish the Studios Art Tools pipeline including UnitTest builds, with perforce integration
Setup Motion Capture animation retargetting tools​​
Maya batch exporter
Maya PyQt4 character pickers
MayaAPI inverse matrix to solve relative Matrix delta​
Setup FaceFX batch processes on build PC
​Supported localization with 11 languages
All Humans, Mimic, Phantom, Telepaths, Cystoids, Poltergeist, Tentacle Nest, Weaver

Technical Art:
Material FX . Niagra FX . Content Debugging​
Cut-Scenes in Sequencer
Setup Diego cut-scene animations using RADiCAL Motion for Motion Capture and Nvidia's Audio2Face for procedural facial animations

Worked closely with the art, animation, programming, and design team to help streamline art content to support gameplay systems.​​
Technical Art:
Performance profiling
Lighting . Material FX . Post Effects​​​​​​
Establish the Art Tools pipeline
Supported base material library​​
Gameplay content debugging​
Perforce Tools & support
Supported naming convention
Technical Animation:​​
All 1P & 3P character rigs