Technical Art . Technical Animation . Tools Development
Performance Profiling
Performance Goals
30 FPS - 60 FPS
Target Platforms
PC, PS5, XBox, Nintendo Switch
Minimum PC or Hardware Specs
Figure out your minimum spec PC or Hardware!
Build your game and profile for each console early in development.
Setup performance benchmarks for each console
To help manage and maintain performance, set up art content best practice guidelines.
Set up nightly builds and level cameras to help capture overall performance.
Avoid testing performance in the editor. For accurate performance, profile standalone game builds.
Adjust render settings to help support lower and higher end PCs
Fix/Manage/Clean asset redirectors
Statistics Tool
Session Frontend
Unreal Insights
Unreal Performance Commands
start fps
stat unit
stat gpu
stat scenerendering (Draw calls)
stat RenderThreadCommands
stat engine
stat streamingr.vsync 0
t.MaxFPS 1000
r.screenPercentage 10
stat unitGraph
r.ProfileGPU.ShowUIshow Staticmeshes
Stat StartFile
Stat StopFile
show SkeletalMeshes
show Particles
show Lighting
show DirectLighting
show Translucency
show ReflectionEnvironment
show Show AmbientOcclusion
show bones
Performance Checklist
Drawcalls (Too many object and material draws)
Setup and adjust fallback meshes for complex collision and reflections
Avoid too many material instances. Build layered material, which can be applied to many static nanite assets to calculate fewer draw calls.
Nanite occlusion culling
Foliage density and material cost
- Lightmass settings
Lightmass importance volume
Light map resolution
Clear light build warnings
Adjust too many overlapping dynamic light bounds
Complex post effects materials
Avoid non-uniform texture resolutions
Mip map compression settings
Large and too many Render Targets
Static Mesh
Large shadow map resolution
Dynamic shadows (turn off unnecessary shadows)
Use Simple collision primitives. Avoiding using Complex collision
Skeletal Mesh
Runtime cloth simulation
Too many materials per character (Setup material texture packing)
Avoid overlapping translucency - glass, water, distortion (Overdraw)
Complex materials graphs
Setup material node switches to help support features per console and PC target
Setup material texture packing
- Overlapping translucent particles (Overdraw)
Complex Blueprints and every frame tick events
Ray-trace & reflection settings
Complex post effects
Complex Fog
Level stream volumes
- Object distance culling